Indian Wedding Photography of Ceremony in Mumbai India
Bride on hindu wedding ceremony on indian wedding in mumbai, India.
There is no single standard Hindu marriage ceremony.Regional variations and considerable flexibility in the rituals are prevalent. The variations may be based on family traditions, local traditions, resources of the marrying families, and other factors. Some of the key rituals are performed in slightly different ways in different regions.
There are a few key rituals common in a Hindu wedding ceremony. These are
Kanyadaan – the giving away of daughter by the father
Panigrahana – a ritual in presence of fire, where the groom takes the bride's hand as a sign of their union
Saptapadi – is the most important ritual. It is called the seven step ritual, where each step corresponds to a vow groom makes to bride, and a vow the bride makes to groom. The vows are pronounced in Sanskrit in long form, or short quicker form, sometimes also in the language of the groom and bride. In many weddings, Saptapadi is performed near a fire; and after each of the seven oaths to each other, the groom and bride perform the ritual of agnipradakshinam – walk around the fire, with the end of their garments tied together. The groom usually leads the bride in the walkThe fire is a form of yajna – a vedic ritual where fire is the divine witness (to the marriage). After Saptapadi, the couple are considered husband and wife.